Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Case of the Teachers Being Taught

Tom and I had prepared the lesson for Sunday School for our Junior High group.  The curriculum is very teacher friendly and lays it all out in a very basic format.  We both have learned through teaching that many times the lessons take a shape of their own.  You really never know what a Junior High kid might say and where your lesson will go from there.  Lately, our lessons have really been hitting home for both Tom and me and this last week was no exception.  Just because we are the teachers does not mean we can't learn, right? RIGHT!

Our lesson this last Sunday was titled "Handling the Pain of Divorce" and we started our lesson with scripture reading of Isaiah 43:1-2 1
 But now, this is what the LORD says—    he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

The lesson went on to discuss how God will never leave us alone, that God will give us strength and mostly that God's love is greater than our pain.  Pretty powerful lesson for Junior High kids.  We began discussing these and Tom and I could easily see the application of this lesson in our lives.  Not that we are handling divorce, but more of our daily real life challenges.  We recently had vehicle problems twice in the past week, along with our dryer not wanting to work and also our bathroom shower faucet totally breaking.   A week of problems compounded with us trying to get the family ready for our long awaited family vacation.  Tom and I were fretting over the cost of the latest issue of our van and when we found out that a job of $200.00 is actually covered under warranty we were ecstatic!  Tom took that teachable moment right then and there to say to our children, "See, when I talk about God being there?  I'm not just making it up, but He actually does care and surprises us with blessings!"  He continued with saying, "these lessons we talk about in Sunday school apply to everyone not just the teens."

Why is that we as Christians say we have faith but act surprised when God blesses us?  I am guilty of this all the time!  I think part of me thinks that it's because I don't deserve it, which is true.  This is God's sovereign grace!  I am so thankful that He gives me blessings instead of what I actually deserve because that is God's mercy.  We who are believers are His children and what lovely gifts the Father bestows on His children!  I need to remind myself of this often and remind my own children as well so that they may see the glory of God living right out in front of them.

Teaching Sunday school to a group of Junior high kids has been quite experience for both Tom and me.  We continue to be taught as we teach!