Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Growing Old with Dignity continued

     "My life is in your hands,"  she says weepingly on the phone.  Talk about tugging on those heart strings!
     "Yes, Grandma.  I know.  I'll take care of you,"  is my somber reply.
     I have been her "go to girl" for about six years now and increasingly so the past few years.  She often comments to others "I don't know what I would do without her."  That comments warms my heart and I just feel simple pleasure that I can payback all she has done for me the past forty (almost forty-one) years.
Small things like setting her answering machine, clocks, microwave, nightlight timers were things I would do for her.  Now that she is in adult foster care home my repsonsibilities have slightly shifted.  Those tasks are no longer mine; however, I do still assist with various doctor, hair, eye, ear appointments and all her paperwork and mail.
     She tells me that she is due for a haircut and would like it this week.  A little demanding?  Sometimes she can be, but that just reminds me where I get that character trait.  I remind her that it's only been a month and she wants to argue about that.  So I simply tell her that I will call and see what her hairdresser has available.  That answer appeases her! 
She really had an agenda in her mind and admitted she wanted her hair done before my mother made it down again. 
Her statement was "So your mom knows I'm being taken care of."  I chuckle on the inside because really what she is saying is "I want to get out."  You would have to know my grandmother to know how to translate her words.  I know her very well!
I'll be the good granddaughter and make the call and get her scheduled for her haircut.  Let's face it if you are a girl then you know that having your hair done just lifts your spirits!  She deserves the dignity of looking and feeling good as much as she is able.