Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goal Markers

I stated in my previous blog that I'm running a 5K soon and trying to get my body prepared for this race.  I have started what my friends and I call "wogging", a combination of walking and jogging.  I place mental "goal markers" for where I walk and where I resume my jog.  The more I have been wogging the longer I make my "goal markers".  This helps me to push myself each time I am out wogging.  I try to do better than the time before.  I have noticed improvement, slight but improved.   Do you have "goal markers" for your life?  As I was thinking about my goal markers for running I began to ponder on my "goal markers" for my life, my kids, home, school, work, church and spiritual growth.  Am I being consistent in all areas of my life?  I had to answer truthfully. . .NO!  GASP!  I know I'm being real here and we all fall short in some area of our lives. 
I tend to set "goal markers" for my kids.  That seems easy enough because we homeschool and it's a matter of them understanding their work and then moving on to the next level.  I really slack when it comes to the home. Housekeeping is not one of my strong suits, I admit it.   I struggle with chores and really had to get myself more organized by making a chore chart for the kids and me.   Since we have started this chore chart, I have noticed I feel better about my home and that I am slowly working to becoming a better housekeeper.
The area I think I need to set some better "goal markers" for is my spiritual growth.  Let's just be honest here, I put aside my spiritual "goal markers" because. . . I am busy, it's not a priority, I have other things to do and the list goes on.  This is where I give myself a little talk and say, "Jill, if you're not growing then what are you doing?  How do you expect your kids to grow?"  Yeah, I talk to myself; another honest moment.  I need to be setting spiritual goal markers, these are much more important in my relationship with Christ than me running a 5K!  I often think on Hebrews 12:1 ". . . let us run with perservance the race marked out before us."  I like to imagine God has "goal markers" for me and that when I am working on my spiritual growth then I am obtaining those markers.  Makes me happy to think I am pleasing my Heavenly Father.  Let us all run the race God has set for us and let us not grow weary!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Exercise Verse

Do you have a favorite verse or qoute that is stored away in your brain for those moments in life?  I have categorized some of my favorite verses, I have a few qoutes that I like as well.  My favorite exercise verse is Hebrews 12:11, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it."
I was given this verse many years ago by a friend who is a personal trainer.  At that time I thought, "How appropriate".  I am now attempting to run a 5K and let's just say it's taken my body some adjusting to the running thing again.  When I am out running or even strength training this verse often comes to the forefront of my mind.  Yet this verse isn't just meant for physical exercise.  This verse can cover a multitude of areas in our life.  Discipline is painful; sometimes very painful!  However, when we look at the prize or goal to be obtained we know that the discipline is necassary.
I encourage you to think on this verse when you are going to thru trials, because let's face it, trials are painful.  Our outcome is the righteousness that God desires of us.  When we take the focus off of ourselves and place it on God and the possible reward God will bestowing on us it does make the discipline a little more bearable.
My race is coming up soon in about two weeks and I will be chugging along and reminding myself of this verse almost every step of the way until I cross that finish line.  As my life's journey continues I will be reminding myself of this favorite verse until I cross the ULTIMATE FINISH LINE and receive my heavenly reward.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome to Jill's Journey

Greeting readers!

Welcome to my first blog, Jill's Journey.  My goal is to share my life stories whether it be homeschooling, family, church or everyday life situations.  This blog will hopefully be an encouragement to you as we all travel the journey of life. 
We are called to run the race set before us.  My race may be different than yours, but hopefully you can relate in some fashion to find solace in your race!

Thanks for reading and more will be following soon.