Saturday, November 10, 2012

Enjoy your time

A classmate from high school recently passed away from cancer.  My heart is heavy with sadness not for him, because he is no longer in pain.  My heart is heavy for those who are left here.  His wonderful wife and two great children and not to mention all his other family and friends.  It just shows us that we never know when our time is done here and to enjoy the time we do have!
We are never guaranteed a certain length of time we are to live, so with that in mind we should be on our best and really speak of love to others.  We really need to take the time to let others know how special they are to us and how much we appreciate them.  I know this is not always easy to do and really draws some of us out of our comfort zone, but wouldn't you rather have someone know how much you appreciate them rather than you regretting that you didn't get to say it and they passed away?  
I am going to challenge myself to let others know I love them and really do appreciate them and what they do!  Who else is up to this challenge?
God calls us to be courageous and this is a courageous act.  He also calls us to love one another and this will challenge us to show our love!
I am curious to know who else is going to do this.  So please let me know and also let me know how it is going for you.