Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fragile - Handle With Care

I am sure you are thinking that by reading the title I am going to write about packages.  It is that time of year when we are buying gifts and sending them out to loved ones.  But alas, NO!  This is about our human life.  The human life is fragile.  God did not design us for immortality, but rather as mere mortals. 

I have recently gone through watching a loved one pass away.  My step sister, Pam, was only 52 years old.  She never married, but loved children.  I have great memories of her when I was young.  She was a great gymnast and we would move all the furniture in the living room to make room for Pam to teach us gymnastics.  We had a blast, those were great times. Pam also loved playing the guitar and she had a wonderful voice.  Since she was twelve years older than myself she had moved out, but she would visit often. 

The past several years for Pam were more difficult for her.  She had developed some medical issues.  The doctors were watching her closely since she opted out of having surgery.  Time took its toll on her little body and she ended up passing away just Monday November 28.  It was a sad ordeal to watch her lay there hooked up to bags and tubes.  It was much worse to watch her twin sister try to cope with knowing she was losing that bond.
I found great peace in knowing that Pam no longer suffers and I know she had accepted Christ as Saviour.  I think that makes death so much more acceptable for the loved ones left behind.

My greatest urge is for others not to avoid going to the doctors if you are seriously ill and even more consider all options of your medical issues.  God gave us these temporary bodies here on Earth and gave us some guidance with taking care of our bodies.  In 1 Corinthians 6 verses 19 and 20 we are reminded that our bodies are a temple of Christ and we are to honor God with our bodies.  So that means taking care of it.  Our human bodies are fragile, they were designed by our Creator that way and we need to take that seriously.

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