Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goal Markers

I stated in my previous blog that I'm running a 5K soon and trying to get my body prepared for this race.  I have started what my friends and I call "wogging", a combination of walking and jogging.  I place mental "goal markers" for where I walk and where I resume my jog.  The more I have been wogging the longer I make my "goal markers".  This helps me to push myself each time I am out wogging.  I try to do better than the time before.  I have noticed improvement, slight but improved.   Do you have "goal markers" for your life?  As I was thinking about my goal markers for running I began to ponder on my "goal markers" for my life, my kids, home, school, work, church and spiritual growth.  Am I being consistent in all areas of my life?  I had to answer truthfully. . .NO!  GASP!  I know I'm being real here and we all fall short in some area of our lives. 
I tend to set "goal markers" for my kids.  That seems easy enough because we homeschool and it's a matter of them understanding their work and then moving on to the next level.  I really slack when it comes to the home. Housekeeping is not one of my strong suits, I admit it.   I struggle with chores and really had to get myself more organized by making a chore chart for the kids and me.   Since we have started this chore chart, I have noticed I feel better about my home and that I am slowly working to becoming a better housekeeper.
The area I think I need to set some better "goal markers" for is my spiritual growth.  Let's just be honest here, I put aside my spiritual "goal markers" because. . . I am busy, it's not a priority, I have other things to do and the list goes on.  This is where I give myself a little talk and say, "Jill, if you're not growing then what are you doing?  How do you expect your kids to grow?"  Yeah, I talk to myself; another honest moment.  I need to be setting spiritual goal markers, these are much more important in my relationship with Christ than me running a 5K!  I often think on Hebrews 12:1 ". . . let us run with perservance the race marked out before us."  I like to imagine God has "goal markers" for me and that when I am working on my spiritual growth then I am obtaining those markers.  Makes me happy to think I am pleasing my Heavenly Father.  Let us all run the race God has set for us and let us not grow weary!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! I have done 2 5K's and I love doing them. I just love to run but my diet could be better. :) I want to do a 10K in Nov. but been having some problems with my right foot so not sure I could handle it. I will pray for you and keep up the good work. :)
